Group Training With Coach Jen Fall 2023
Thursday Evening Speed and Form Run Session
The details:
Classes will be in person but in the event of field house sudden closure class will be delivered via zoom (with run being done on own and strength workout/stretch for 30 minutes will be offered that day).
All in person classes are 60 minutes long! (5:30 pm-6:30 pm unless otherwise stated)
Start dates: Thursdays (November 9/2023-March 28/2024 (Fieldhouse)
NO Class Thursday December 28, January 25, February 1, and March 21
*Note the time/Day changes or no class days
Session Format:
Warm-up: includes dynamic/mobility exercises (approx. 20 minutes)
Main Set: approx. 30 minutes of run sets intermixed with Strength Sets or at end.
Mobility/Cool-down Stretching: approx. 10 minutes
Please remember to bring water and a watch or some timing mechanism. Please
have a mat/towel for strength and mobility.
We need a minimum of 10 people/class to run a class.
Fully Paid $234/17 sessions (60 minutes in length unless on zoom) all prices include the
Other Details:
*In event of extreme weather such as lightning or hail, extreme humidity, snow storm, very cold and/or hot weather class will be cancelled and a workout will be sent out for athletes to complete on their own, we cannot control the environment unfortunately. In case of coach illness and/or facility conflict, a workout will be sent out via email for athletes to complete on their own. Coach will notify you by email.
**There will be no credits or refunds if classes have to be changed or shortened in extreme weather for any reason. Please note, in light of COVID-19 should the rules regarding group gatherings, and/or venue closure, a workout will be sent out for you to complete on your own via email.
No refunds/transfers/make-ups will be given once you pay your fee’s, regardless of any circumstances. Payment is due by the first day of class. Accept Etransfer, Cash or Cheque.
Cheques made Payable to Jennifer Ruland.
****If you have not filled out forms for 2024. Please read! You will be required to fill out a consent form and get active and bring it with you to the first class or complete the waiver online. No forms=no participation!
***Please complete this waiver prior to attending class HERE
Sunday Morning Speed and Form Run Session
The details:
Classes will be in person but in the event of restrictions/sudden facility closure class may be virtual. All in person classes are 75 minutes long!
Start date and Times: Sundays (October 1st/2023-Sunday DECEMBER 17/2023 (Candy Cane Park TILL/INCLUDING OCTOBER 29TH and transitioning to Fieldhouse beginning NOVEMBER 12TH)
PLEASE NOTE: ONCE WE MOVE INTO THE FIELDHOUSE on NOVEMBER 12TH CLASS then change to 10:45 am-12 pm indoors at the Regina Fieldhouse for the remainder of the session.
*Note the time/Day changes or no class days
Session Format:
Warm-up: includes dynamic/mobility exercises (approx. 20 minutes)
Main Set: approx. 40 minutes of run sets intermixed with Strength Sets or at end.
Mobility/Cool-down Stretching: approx. 15 minutes
Please remember to bring water and a watch or some timing mechanism. Please have a
mat/towel for strength and mobility.
Cost: Fully Paid $164/10 sessions (75 minutes in length unless on zoom) all prices include the TAX. Paid
Other Details:
*In event of extreme weather such as lightening or hail, extreme humidity, snow storm, very cold and/or hot weather class will be cancelled and a workout will be sent out for athletes to complete on their own,we cannot control the environment unfortunately. In case of coach illness and/or facility conflict, a workout will be sent out via email for athletes to complete on their own. Coach will notify you by email.
**There will be no credits or refunds if classes have to be changed or shortened in extreme weather for any reason. Please note, in light of COVID-19 should the rules regarding group gatherings, and/or venue closure, a workout will be sent out for you to complete on your own via email. No refunds/transfers/make-ups will be given once you pay your fee’s, regardless of any circumstances. Payment is due by the first day of class. Accept Etransfer, Cash or Cheque. Cheques made Payable to Jennifer Ruland.
****If you have not filled out forms for 2023 Please read! You will be required to fill out a consent form and get active and bring it with you to the first class or complete the waiver online. No forms=no participation!
**There will be no credits or refunds if classes have to be changed or shortened in extreme weather for any reason. Please note, in light of COVID-19 should the rules regarding group gatherings, and/or venue closure, a workout will be sent out for you to complete on your own via email.
No refunds/transfers/make-ups will be given once you pay your fee’s, regardless of any circumstances.
Payment is due by the first day of class. Accept Etransfer, Cash or Cheque. Cheques made Payable to Jennifer Ruland. PayPal link to pay by credit card below.
***Please complete this waiver prior to attending class HERE