Congratulations on completing your event at the Queen City Marathon! That is a massive accomplishment. Whether this was your first or you’ve done a few, completed a 5km or the marathon, recovering from your event quickly and safely is a critical component to your training plan that runners often neglect.
In the final part 5 of this series, Coaches Patrick and Jen will continue to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from athletes.
"What steps should I take to recover after my race?"
In part 4 of this series, as we get closer to QCM race weekend, we will continue to answer the frequently asked questions I receive as a coach.
I'm challenging you today. Take a moment to ask yourself this question:
When it comes to your nutrition habits and performance goals, are they aligned?
In other words, how is that working for you?
As a coach I feel in is my responsibility to help athletes by providing information that helps improve both their health and performance. However, when it comes to nutrition, as a coaching profession we have become lazy and negligent. Just like everyone else we are choosing the "quick fix" as the "best fix".
As I see it, a battle has emerged between convenience and quality. In sport nutrition marketing the emphasis has become about speed - in training, racing, recovery, and also eating. Finding what ever you need "faster", and nutrition for performance is no exception.
Let me give you an example below and present a different way to approach a common nutritional challenge for endurance athletes.
One of the most common question we receive as coaches:
When do I know I need a day off?
When is the best time to have a rest day?
Let us provide you with some strategies to help address these questions.
I picked up Isabella from school today and happened to have the new Ed Sheeran song Shape of You playing in the car. So what did I do? I turned it up of course and started singing. Isabella quickly reminded me "Daddy, if you want to be Ed Sheeran you have to dye your beard and hair orange and sing better."
Got to love kids for being honest and keeping things real!
Now, why was I really singing today (other than my weak attempt at Ed Sheeran karaoke)?
Firstly, we are excited to announce that Endurance Journey Coaching is the Official Coaching Partner for GMS Queen City Marathon!