If you find you are saying these words when in a reflective conversation with yourself, stay with me. You are not alone.
You are meant to grow.
You are designed to evolve.
I invite you to come along for the ride…Let’s come out a better version of ourselves on the other side.
This is my reentry into the writing area. I know I have some things to share that can help others feel and live better lives. My motive is selfish - I feel my best when I am in service and help others.
The last few years have been a struggle for me. Struggle with confidence, accountability to my health, and my business, which has affected my ability to be the best father, brother, son, friend, coach I can be.
I have experience coming out of some dark times in my past, so I am using those skills to chart a path forward.
As LL Cool J said in his song Mama Said Knock You Out…
Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years.
I’m going to tackle some challenging subjects…for example,
How do I become more present, reflective instead of reactive. I.e., Instead of reacting to a situation, is there a question I can ask to understand the situation better?
How can my example be more impactful than the guidance I provide to others?
The best ways to simplify choices to support consistent action in fitness, life, and leadership.
In order to change course, taking action is the way forward.
So for the next 1000 days this is what I am going to do:
I’m starting this journey with the simplest way I have found to make progress whenever I have set out a long term goal…
Just start.
Perfection is the enemy of progress.
Progress in life is a product of repeated positive action. No matter how big or how small the action is, it all adds up. Stay with the consistent action and positives things will happen.
With everything thrown at us on a day to day basis via social media, our community, our friends, our family, we can sometimes feel like we are in a never ending quest to make our story sound better in comparison to the company we are with at any given moment.
A competition of “look at me and how awesome I am”.
Time to change that narrative with a perspective that is much more productive and real…
One of the steps I have taken today is a short self reflection by answering the following questions (my most recent answers):
In the morning - 5 questions (Thanks to Gordo Byrn for sharing these):
What am I grateful for? Health of my family today
What am I excited about? A simple strength training routine I have developed to get stronger (only 3 exercises push, pull, squat)
What 1 virtue do I want to exhibit? Commitment
What is the 1 thing I am avoiding? Eating slow and mindfully
What 1 thing do I need to do? Put my cutlery down between bites, and chew slowly.
In the evening I ask - 3 questions:
What were my wins today? I felt great after my simple to follow strength set. I ate more slowly by putting my cutlery down (and enjoyed my meals more too).
Realizations for the day? Positive action makes for a positive mood. I felt much better after training and eating more mindfully compared to when I eat quickly.
Agenda Tomorrow? Start with your number #1 priority to accomplish tomorrow. Do that first. Me = write my reflection and publish blog.
Answering these questions each day will help keep you accountable.
Be 1% better today than yesterday.
Simplify your action, improve slowly, and find joy.
As Maverick says to Rooster in Top Gun “Don’t think. Just Do”.