How Long Will It Take To Achieve The Results You Want? Part 1


How Long Will It Take To Achieve The Results You Want? Part 1

How To Identify Your Available Time To Prepare For Your Goal Endurance Event

Most athletes find their goals fall into one of three categories:

  1. I want to finish.

  2. I want to improve my result from the last time I did this event.

  3. I would like to improve my result and place in my age group.

The result expectation is always related to the time it will take to achieve that result. The higher the expected result, the greater amount of preparation time it will achieve to complete it.

Also, the length of the event will factor into the preparation time as well. For example, a sprint distance triathlon or 5km run will take less time to prepare for than a 70.3 or half marathon.

Considering the above information, when deciding on a goal event, understanding your available training time to prepare is critical in order to choose the right event for you and your life circumstance. The time you spend each day with family, work, social/religious/spiritual commitments, sleep, meals, transport, factor into how much time you actually have to prepare.


Don't Think. Just Do


Don't Think. Just Do

When you start any journey, keep it simple. The first step is the most important. Don’t think about tomorrow, just do what you can today. Here is how…
