Marathon Performance Series Part 5: Guide to Recover Quickly from Your Race


Marathon Performance Series Part 5: Guide to Recover Quickly from Your Race

Congratulations on completing your event at the Queen City Marathon! That is a massive accomplishment. Whether this was your first or you’ve done a few, completed a 5km or the marathon, recovering from your event quickly and safely is a critical component to your training plan that runners often neglect.

In the final part 5 of this series, Coaches Patrick and Jen will continue to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from athletes.

"What steps should I take to recover after my race?"


QCM Race Preparation Series Part 4: Simple Performance Nutrition


QCM Race Preparation Series Part 4: Simple Performance Nutrition

In part 4 of this series, as we get closer to QCM race weekend, we will continue to answer the frequently asked questions I receive as a coach.

I'm challenging you today. Take a moment to ask yourself this question: 

When it comes to your nutrition habits and performance goals, are they aligned?

In other words, how is that working for you?

As a coach I feel in is my responsibility to help athletes by providing information that helps improve both their health and performance. However, when it comes to nutrition, as a coaching profession we have become lazy and negligent. Just like everyone else we are choosing the "quick fix" as the "best fix".

As I see it, a battle has emerged between convenience and quality. In sport nutrition marketing the emphasis has become about speed - in training, racing, recovery, and also eating.  Finding what ever you need "faster", and nutrition for performance is no exception. 

Let me give you an example below and present a different way to approach a common nutritional challenge for endurance athletes. 


Marathon Preparation Series Part 2: Race Week Plan for a Successful Race Day

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Marathon Preparation Series Part 2: Race Week Plan for a Successful Race Day

In part 2 of this series, we are in race week of the Queen City Marathon. Coaches Patrick and Jen will continue to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from athletes.

"What do I need to do race week to set up a great race day?"

So it’s finally here. It’s Queen City Marathon race week and race day is only a few sleeps way. In the follow article, we are going to lay out some key strategies to help you be prepared to deliver a great race day performance.

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Marathon Preparation Series #1 - See It and Make It Happen


Marathon Preparation Series #1 - See It and Make It Happen

As the Queen City Marathon is now 2 weeks away we wanted to share with you some strategies that we have used to help our athletes prepare for racing. 

Over the next 10 days leading up to the event we will be posting a series of articles to geared to help you get the most out of your race experience and perform your best!

The first performance pillar is one of the most neglected aspects of performance...

The six inches between your ears. A.k.a - your mental game.


A Case For Rethinking Performance Nutrition: The Basics Matter


A Case For Rethinking Performance Nutrition: The Basics Matter

I'm challenging you today. Take a moment to ask yourself this question: 

When it comes to your nutrition habits and performance goals, are they aligned?

In other words, how is that working for you?

As a coach I feel in is my responsibility to help athletes by providing information that helps improve both their health and performance. However, when it comes to nutrition, as a coaching profession we have become lazy and negligent. Just like everyone else we are choosing the "quick fix" as the "best fix".

As I see it, a battle has emerged between convenience and quality. In sport nutrition marketing the emphasis has become about speed - in training, racing, recovery, and also eating.  Finding what ever you need "faster", and nutrition for performance is no exception. 

Let me give you an example below and present a different way to approach a common nutritional challenge for endurance athletes. 


The Right "Training Mix" Series Part 1 - Quality Consistency


The Right "Training Mix" Series Part 1 - Quality Consistency

In the next week we will present short posts summarizing our key coaching philosophies at Endurance Journey which we feel are the essential components of performance. Our intent here is to give you some key strategies to employ which will have a profound impact on not only the quality of your training but also your results. These are the concepts we have learned and applied in over 20 years of combined racing and coaching experience. 

Let's face it, the performance space is filled with a ton of informational "noise". We aim to distill it down for you into some simple to apply concepts to maximize your training time investment and ultimately help you achieve your desired results. 

Concept #1 - Quality Consistency


Unshakable Self-Belief and OK Falls Camp Sold Out?


Unshakable Self-Belief and OK Falls Camp Sold Out?

It feels like spring here and I wanted to get this message out to you before I go for my daily walk and pick up Isabella from school. 

Firstly, our Okanagan Training Camp is now full (in less than 48 hours)! If your are interested in participating, I may open up a few more spots so let me know at

Now to the reason for this message. 

I have been talking to many of my athletes and nutrition clients about the choice to be daring. In other words, choosing to do something outside of their comfort zone where meaningful change happens. 

Some would call this risk. 

An example of this is a few athletes who have recently signed up for the training camp in May have expressed nervousness about exposing themselves this challenging training environment. Essentially, they are asking this one question:

Will I be good enough to meet this challenge? 

You can live your life in two ways. In the pursuit of growth/gain or to avoid loss. We have been conditioned as humans to avoid taking chances, avoid loss, and over react to perceived threats. 

The challenge with this avoidance mindset is we never expose ourselves to situations where we have to adapt and grow. 

When you choose to put yourself in situations that are outside your comfort zone, you ensure a certain guaranteed result. 

You will learn and develop the skills to thrive in the face of a challenge. This is how you develop unshakable self-belief. 

Lean into each moment embracing the challenge and expecting magic. 

When you look at it this way you have nothing to lose. 

You will absolutely meet the challenge. 


Your Coach, 


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P.S. If you want to learn more about how we can help you email us at or send us a note on facebook and let's chat. Our Group TrainingNutrition and Coaching Programs provide the support and guidance you need to help you achieve your ideal health and performance.


Singing Big News For Endurance Journey Coaching


Singing Big News For Endurance Journey Coaching

I picked up Isabella from school today and happened to have the new Ed Sheeran song Shape of You playing in the car. So what did I do? I turned it up of course and started singing. Isabella quickly reminded me "Daddy, if you want to be Ed Sheeran you have to dye your beard and hair orange and sing better." 

Got to love kids for being honest and keeping things real!    

Now, why was I really singing today (other than my weak attempt at Ed Sheeran karaoke)?

Firstly, we are excited to announce that Endurance Journey Coaching is the Official Coaching Partner for GMS Queen City Marathon


Illness and "Training Guilt"

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Illness and "Training Guilt"

We have been back into training after the holiday season this past month. You can tell people are excited and little more enthusiastic during training sessions. 

Something I always seem to observe this time of year is a few athletes developing with some sort of sniffle, cough, and obviously battling a virus.  

Invariably, these athletes are very committed, and will show up at training sessions still wanting to follow the session as planned. This means disregarding the very clear signals their body is giving to recover. 

This is what I like to call "training guilt"- the feeling of guilt that arises from having to adjust or miss training sessions due to illness. The idea that this lose of fitness will negatively effect their preparation for an upcoming event. 

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Fear Setting For The Athlete


Fear Setting For The Athlete

Fear is your self-defined limitations, not your actual ones. To change your self-image and thus how you perform, you must acknowledge and face what scares you. 

In a recent post I discussed the concept of fear setting. When it comes to athletic performance fear is often a limitation which prevents breakthrough performances.

We often think the most accomplished athletes are fearless, possessing unlimited courage. Therefore, since you and I are afraid from time to time, we must be lesser beings, destined to never reach our ideal results. This is self-doubt, the best ally to fear.

It's time to flip the script.  Instead of trying to eliminate fear (which can't be done), I will show you how to use it to fuel progress. Specifically, how to use fear setting to provide clarity to the important actions you need to take and help you set a clear path forward to achieve your ideal performance this year. I also include a link to download a free fear setting worksheet below. 


Face Discomfort Find Confidence


Face Discomfort Find Confidence

Challenging yourself is uncomfortable. More people do the same thing over and over hoping to get a different result. Remember, hope is NOT a strategy. 

Well it's 2017 and how are you going to get out of your comfort zone and make what you want happen now?


Stop Making Resolutions Please


Stop Making Resolutions Please

Since it's New Year's eve I'm sure you have been getting plenty of New Year's Resolution messages.

This is what you WILL NOT receive from me. 

Instead, as I mentioned yesterday, I am going to ask you to STEP UP this year. 

I am stepping up, so it time to expect the same for yourself. Time to take action because you are good enough and worth it. 

Resolutions and goal setting do not work. Yes I said it. 

If your goal or resolution was so important why have you not made it happen already?


Are You Addressing The Symptom or the Cause?


Are You Addressing The Symptom or the Cause?

In my previous message I talked about recommitting to the process of achieving your goal everyday.

It's essential to know why your goal is important to your health and well being as that will help you recommit everyday and take the purposeful action needed to make it happen. 

Today I'm going to introduce what I believe is a game changing mindset. Whether it is your health and/or performance if you adopt this you can make significant change and progress happen. 


It's Time To Recommit


It's Time To Recommit

An excellent way to make sure your actions are aligning with your goal is to have a clear understanding of why achieving the goal is important to you. Now it is important to make the distinction between an externally focused and internally focused goal. 

An externally focused goal would be I want to finish in X place in a particular event or I want to lose X number of pounds. These goals are often tied to how others will perceive you rather than your own reason for wanting to achieve them. 

You will have a much greater chance of success if you have an internally focused goal. This means a clear understanding of why achieving the goal is important to your health and well being. Quite simply, this goal will fulfill you, add to your own sense of well being and happiness, and has little to do with how others will feel about you. 


Playtime With A Purpose


Playtime With A Purpose

When it comes training for health and performance what you do consistently now sets you up your results in the future. Thinking in terms of weeks and months from a goal performance is a flawed model. 

One of the biggest mistakes I see athletes (athletes refers to anyone who trains) make is doing what is most comfortable repeatedly year after year and expecting a different result. 

Let me provide an alternative strategy. 


Owning My Journey (So You Can Own Yours)


Owning My Journey (So You Can Own Yours)

I believe my current health is reflected to varying degrees in most people whether a driven endurance athlete, or let's be honest, just plain driven. If you are a person who often (or always) dedicates your time and energy to the desire to train or compete, and/or put the needs of others above your own health, I implore you to stay with me on my journey. 

So this is my first of many updates.

I promise you will take something away from your time here that will help you. 


You GET to do this


You GET to do this

That simple mindset switch will have a immediate positive impact. Whether its a tough training session, a challenging work situation, changing your mindset from "I have to do this" to "I GET to do this" provides the opportunity to be immersed in the challenge rather than resenting it. 
